No Flash Please!

Roberto in the 1453 Panorama Museum in Istanbul. Which are Roberto’s noises and which are originally there?

Sunday, 15th of January 2012

We bought our bus tickets to Fethiye! Tomorrow night we will put our bikes to sleep inside the Bus, try to sleep ourselves and in the morning we will have successfully escaped the cold – finally. Just after we left Niš it snowed there. One week after leaving Thessaloniki there was even said to be a snow storm. In Istanbul it finally got us – our first snow. It was mixed up with rain but still enough to confuse the many many drivers in the streets and to generate a chaos in the streets.

Yes, taking the bus we do “cheat” for those who may call it so. But for us it is a good possibility to save some money, though in Fethiye we have found a place to work some hours daily. The earlier we arrive there, the better. They do not pay us money but we can sleep inside a warm bed and get food and drinks for free. We found this place in an organization in the internet. This organization charges a fee for the registration but then members have the possibility to read the profiles of different hosts, who need help in the garden, the household, babysitting, constructing things or whatever. Members can write Mails to others or to hosts and those who are lucky will find some nice people to work with.

We are very excited to get to know our new work and all the people.

“No flash please” in 15 languages!

Istanbul was a great experience. Unfortunately we both caught a cold and could not all the many things and places we wanted to. Instead we have a good reason to come back again, to see all the rest. Anyway Istanbul showed us a lot of things. We tried some delicious food, had in average 8 glasses of tea daily and even the most touristic sightseeing places had something to teach us. In the Blue Mosque I learnt how to tie up a headscarf, in the Hagia Sophia we learnt how to say “No flash please” in 15 different languages, in the 1453 Panorama Museum Roberto found back to his childhood miming noises of exploding canons and guns and in the Spice Bazaar we were offered some gratis tea for buying a little bit of cheese (they sell more than spices in the Spice Bazaar). On the way to the city center and back we learnt three important things: a lot of patience, “iki billet” (two tickets) and always to cling to something inside the bus that does not move itself.


We are very very thankful about the wonderful time we have spent with Anke, Erdal and their family and we would love to invite them as well as all our other incredible hosts one day to the nice place with big guest room that we will own (or rent) one day somewhere. And there is one more big thank to say: Thank you so much dear readers! We would also like to announce that with every month we have more and more clicks on the blog, on our youtube- and flickr channel and also more facebook-visitors and twitter-followers. We are always happy to answer your mails and comments with questions and doubts and to read your opinion about our travel, the blog, the project or our articles and pictures.

We even reached our first goal to earn a little money with advertisement on the blog! That’s a good start after four months of travels and work and we hope we can keep it going. Keep in touch because in the next days Roberto will post his new pictures from the city of inspiration Istanbul.

But first we will pack our things and head south to hopefully really escape from the cold this time.

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  1. Dunia Carcamo says:

    ¡Rober que maravilla! Ni idea tenía que estaban haciendo ese viaje tan increíble. Acabo de enterarme porque el Trip lo tuiteo. Los felicito, siempre se admira a los que se lanzan a la aventura. Que siga el viaje, y yo los seguiré por la red. Abrazos. Suerte.

    • Tasting Travels Team says:

      Muchas Gracias Dunia! Desde estos laredos se siente la vibra de todos los que nos apoyan. Un gran Abrazo de parte de los dos.

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