Lessons learned in China

Kepala Batas, Malaysia, September 2013

As part of our two year celebration we would like to introduce you to some of the people that have made our bike travel a constant life lesson. These people have opened their hearts to us in ways we cannot even begin to describe. Their contribution to our project is of much value to us so we decided to take this opportunity to make a small homage to them.

We now move on to : China

Thanks a lot amigos! Because thanks to you we have strengthened our ties to your beautiful countries and their cultures. Hopefully we will get to see you again!

We met Lee from China in Kashgar, China. He taught us that a dog can truly be a man's best friend and that Northern China can get awfully cold in winter. We met Dhane from the USA, Patrik from Switzerland and Jinjin from China in Chengdu, China. Dhane showed us how hard it is to ride a trike uphill and how easy it is to squeeze 10 kilos of groceries on it. Patrik and Jinjin taught us that you are the master of your own life and only you can change it and make an adventure out of it. We met Helena from Kyrgyzstan and Germany, Marco from Germany and their adorable children in Chengdu, China. They taught us that an edible chrismas gift from back home is more than any expat could ever ask for and that sometimes children are the best cookie bakers. The children and teachers from the QSI school in Chengdu taught us that a big bunch of kids can be quiet for an entire hour if something really caught their attention. The students and teachers from the Eton School in Chengdu taught us how the youngest kids sometimes have the cleverest questions. Claudia and her students from the Experimental High School Chengdu taught us that you have to overcome your shyness in order to archieve something. Just give it a try.  This wonderful family with unpronounceable names from the North of the Yunnan Province showed us the sense of wellbeing of a warm foot bath before bed time and how to dance and sing ,Shampo Shin'We met Karina, Peter and Ruslam from Russia in Kunming, China. They introduced us to Anton Krotov's project ,Free Travel' and his ,Open Houses':Flats that are rented to host free travelers from all over the world. We met the international team of first-time and experienced models in Kunming, China. They taught us that models can be the first ones to open a buffet and the last ones to eat and drink the rests and they can still look amazing. We met Aude from Spain and Levi from Hungary in Kunming, China. They taught us how to turn private rooftops in public ones and how much fun you can have with some pillows, toilet paper, a shoe, two books, a bread and a slow-motion camera. We met Sarah and Flo from Germany in Beijing, China. They taught us that home is where the partner is. The Cultural Department of the German Embassy of Beijing, China, showed us how people in fancy dresses are also ,only people'. Chris from Seattle, USA lived in Beijing, China when we came to visit. He taught us how to eat Beijing Duck and how to find the coolest bars in the darkest lonley alleys. Leslie from Kunming, China helped us to survive 36 hours with standing tickets in a train. He taught us that it is always a good idea to carry a small foldable chair - just in case. Miss Tao and Sabrina from Mengla, China, taught us to fight for the bill and how to eat sticky rice. Ance and Monika who work at ,Unterwegs' in Germany, provided us with a big sponsoring parcel. We learned from them how important it can be to use proper materials in extreme weather conditions.
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  1. Leslie Lu says:

    Can see on the website Robert and Annika again is really good, wish them happy on the trip for the rest of your life!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Leslie,

      You have a house whenever you want to come and visit us to New Zealand next year.

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